Monday, January 13, 2014


jovi is a hoot. she is so funny lately. she is a sassy little woman who loves to speak her mind. yesterday we were at brad's mom's house for dinner and jane kept climbing on my lap, but she was getting down rather quickly. well, she decided to stay one of the times and snuggle. jovi turned around and saw her and yelled in a very defensive voice, "Get down there Jane!!! That's MY Mommy!" oh my hell, i just about died. i know it sounds so silly and stupid, but it made my heart totally overflow to know that she loved me so much.
many mornings i find my girl getting warm in front of the heater vent in the kitchen
the other night brad got home from school and jovi was watching a movie. he asked her if he could sit by her and she said, "sure dad", then without moving her eyes from the show she patted his leg and said, "Hi Dad! how's it going?"
i just don't know how anyone could love a child more. every time i take jovi to the store with me people compliment me on how adorable she is, of course she has already yelled hello to them or how's it going. but they follow her around like she is a little peach and the brightness of their day. two years old i think is my favorite age. they are just so innocent and yet absorbent that amazing things happen every day. jovi makes me happy everyday. for that i am beyond grateful.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

christmas 2013

 we had a great christmas this year. don't we always? it seems like in november and early december i find myself in a total panic wondering how we are going to do anything for christmas. how we are going to buy gifts for our kids, family, white elephants, how we are going to pay our bills. i am always so stressed out about it, and then something always comes up. people in our lives are so beyond generous and i am grateful for them and all they do. the time or money or presents that are gifted to us are immeasurable.

 christmas eve we all opened our new jammies. jovi hated hers. she cried cause they were too big. but in the end she wore them the whole night. we went to brad's mom's for her annual christmas eve party. played games  won prizes and opened presents. it was really fun. she really goes all out for it. my new favorite tradition is having our kids sleep in the same room on christmas eve. we did this last year. we moved reese's mattress into jovi's room. it was fun listening to them giggle for a little while before they fell asleep. they even slept in the same room for a few days after christmas! i loved it!

jovi is somewhat obsessed with The Nightmare before Christmas and we woke up to her singing over the monitor "Making Christmas, Making Christmas!" it made my heart swell. a few minutes later reese yelled down that they were awake and our festivities began. 

 santa did decide to come! he left jovi and reese each a wiggle car and a toy and  candy. he ate the cookies, drank the milk and took the apple for his reindeer.
 we stayed home all morning. it was so wonderful! the kids played with all their new toys. my mom and dad stopped by for breakfast and debbie and shanea came over and ate too. i loved staying home. rushing around every year gets so old and it was just peaceful. jovi and i each got to take a little nap before we headed over to my mom's for dinner.

 these girls are my fave!