Monday, January 13, 2014


jovi is a hoot. she is so funny lately. she is a sassy little woman who loves to speak her mind. yesterday we were at brad's mom's house for dinner and jane kept climbing on my lap, but she was getting down rather quickly. well, she decided to stay one of the times and snuggle. jovi turned around and saw her and yelled in a very defensive voice, "Get down there Jane!!! That's MY Mommy!" oh my hell, i just about died. i know it sounds so silly and stupid, but it made my heart totally overflow to know that she loved me so much.
many mornings i find my girl getting warm in front of the heater vent in the kitchen
the other night brad got home from school and jovi was watching a movie. he asked her if he could sit by her and she said, "sure dad", then without moving her eyes from the show she patted his leg and said, "Hi Dad! how's it going?"
i just don't know how anyone could love a child more. every time i take jovi to the store with me people compliment me on how adorable she is, of course she has already yelled hello to them or how's it going. but they follow her around like she is a little peach and the brightness of their day. two years old i think is my favorite age. they are just so innocent and yet absorbent that amazing things happen every day. jovi makes me happy everyday. for that i am beyond grateful.

1 comment:

Jake and Whitney said...

I love this post! I wish I could see you guys more and get to know your kids better. Jovi is so adorable!